Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Any access to or visit of the website www.legendarydracula.com or the use of the Services provided through this Site implies acceptance of the Terms and Conditions set forth below—unless distinct usage conditions have been separately formulated for the respective Content or you have another valid usage agreement in place. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions in this Document, please do not use the Services offered on this Site. This Site is operated by the commercial company LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL, headquartered at Str. Ion Berindei 12 B, Sector 2, Bucharest, Romania, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/6432/2004 and identified by CIF RO16352542 (email: [email protected]). Access to the Services on the Site is permitted only for Members and Clients and only after accepting the usage conditions set forth in this Document as well as those contained in the following documents:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Cookie Policy
  • Information Security Policy
  • Delivery and Return Terms for Products

Definitions and Purpose

This Document contains the terms and conditions for the online sale of services and products offered by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings indicated below, unless expressly provided otherwise:

  • Client – A person who has or gains access to the Content and Service and who has placed at least one Order on the Site.
  • User Account – A combination of an email address and a password that allows a single User to access restricted areas of the Site through which the Service is accessed or an Order is placed; such account contains information about the Client and the Client’s history on the Site (Orders, invoices, product warranties, returns, etc.).
  • Content
    • Any information found on the Site or available through the Service that can be visited, viewed, or accessed by a User/Member/Client via an electronic device;
    • The content of any communication sent to Users/Members/Clients by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL via electronic means and/or any other available means of communication;
    • Any information communicated by any employee or collaborator of LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL to Members/Clients according to the contact details provided by them;
    • Information related to the Products and/or prices offered by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL during a given period;
    • Information related to the Products, services, and/or prices offered by any third party with which LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL has entered into partnership agreements during a given period;
    • Data or other information relating to LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL.
  • Order – The act by which the Client expresses the intention to purchase the products sold on the Site by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL.
  • Contract – The remote agreement between LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL and the Client regarding the sale (and purchase) of one or more Products from the Site, effected by the Client placing an Order and its acceptance by the Seller, in accordance with legal provisions and these Terms and Conditions.
  • Document – These Terms and Conditions applicable to the sale of Products by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL through the Site’s Services.
  • Member – A natural person who has or gains access to the Content (by any means of communication or under a usage agreement) and whose access requires the creation and use of an Account.
  • Newsletter – A means of periodic, electronic information dissemination (via email or another form of remote communication such as SMS) regarding the Products and/or promotions conducted by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL during a given period.
  • Products – Any goods that are made available to the User by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL for purchase (for a fee) via the Site.
  • Service – The e‑commerce service provided exclusively on the public sections of the Site, enabling Users to purchase products using exclusively electronic means (including other remote communication methods, such as telephone).
  • Site – The domain www.legendarydracula.com and its subdomains.
  • Specifications – All specifications and/or descriptions of the Products as detailed in their respective descriptions.
  • User – A natural person who has or gains access to the Content via any electronic means, who does not have a registered Account and has not placed any Order on the Site.
  • Transaction – The payment (or collection) operation of an amount of money as a result of the sale or purchase of a Product via the Site.

General Provisions

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL may modify this Document at any time to reflect changes in legislation, internal policies, or technology. Any modifications will apply to Services only for Orders placed after the updated terms have been published on the Site.

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cease the online sale of Products—partially or entirely, temporarily or permanently—without prior notice.

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL will use its best technical efforts to ensure the proper functioning of the Site. In the event of service interruptions or inability to access the Site by Users/Clients/Members for any period, LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL shall not be held liable for any damages or losses (direct or indirect) resulting from the improper use of the Service, technical downtime, and/or actions of third parties.

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL will take all necessary measures to fulfill the purpose of the Site and is not responsible for Content posted by Users in connection with the Services.

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damage or viruses that may affect your computer or other electronic equipment as a result of accessing or using this Site or downloading any material, information, text, images, video, or audio from it.

Accessing this Site is at your own risk; LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL is not responsible for any direct or indirect harm arising from accessing the Site, placing or completing an Order, or using any data or information from this Site.

User Obligations

  • The use of the Site to promote or sell any goods or services other than those presented by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL is strictly prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to use the Site to display or transmit any material that is illegal, abusive, licentious, defamatory, vulgar, inciting, threatening, pornographic, sacrilegious, or otherwise likely to incite criminal behavior or civil liability, or to violate any legal provision.
  • Accessing the Site or using the Services in a way that could cause alteration, damage, deactivation, overloading, or impairment of any server or network, or that could adversely affect the Service for other Users, is prohibited.
  • Any deletion, addition, insertion, or modification of information on the Site, or any attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, other Users’ accounts, connected systems or networks, or any other Services by fraud, password cracking, or any other means—including by exploiting any unintentional means provided by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL—is forbidden. Any violation of these provisions may result in permanent or temporary blocking of access to the Site and may require the violator to compensate for any resulting damages.
  • The Administrator reserves the right to disclose any information deemed necessary to comply with any law, regulation, judicial procedure, or request by state authorities.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The Content of the Site—including, without limitation, all static text and images, dynamic images and/or multimedia content, buttons, trade symbols, trademarks, designs, and/or trade models—is the exclusive property of LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL, which reserves all rights, directly or indirectly obtained (through licensing and/or publication agreements).

Users, Clients, and Members may use the Site’s Content solely for informational, non-commercial, or personal purposes. Any copying, reproduction, publication, transmission, sale, or partial/complete distribution or modification of the Site’s Content for any other purposes is prohibited unless permitted by applicable copyright exceptions or with the express written consent of LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL.

If you wish to use, reproduce, copy, or distribute any part of the Content, please send a message to [email protected] specifying the Content you wish to use, the intended method of use, and its purpose (these conditions constitute the “Conditions” of the usage agreement). Without a prior written agreement from LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL, any such distribution, communication, copying, display, reproduction, publication, licensing, creation of derivative works, transfer, or sale of the Content will be considered a violation of these Terms and Conditions as well as of the intellectual property rights held by the respective owners.

Users who post or send any kind of Content on the Site must not infringe upon the copyrights of any third party.

Information Presented on the Site

All elements used to describe the Products (such as, but not limited to, static or dynamic images, descriptive text, graphic or video presentations) are provided solely for presentation and informational purposes and do not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of the Seller. Therefore, please verify the Product specifications carefully as described on the Site before placing an Order.

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL makes every effort to ensure the correctness and accuracy of the data and information published on the Site—including the description of Products and indicated prices. However, users are informed that errors may occur. If an error is found to have affected an Order or Contract, LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL will inform the Client as soon as possible to either reconfirm the Order/Contract’s validity or to cancel it.

Products sold as part of any promotion or campaign are additionally subject to the specific terms and conditions of that campaign or promotion, which will be duly announced in advance. Users, Clients, and Members are advised to read the applicable terms and conditions before placing an Order for Products included in a campaign or promotion.

Online Sales Policy

  • Access to the Site for placing an Order is permitted only for Users acting with a legitimate purpose and intending to purchase one or more Products from the Seller in accordance with this Document.
  • Only individuals who are at least 18 years old at the time of placing an Order and who wish for delivery to occur within the territory of Romania may place Orders on the Site.
  • There is no minimum Order value required.
  • LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL sells Products online on a retail basis; the Products are not intended for resale or commercial distribution.
  • LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL reserves the right to refuse access to certain or all online sales functions to any User/Member/Client and to restrict the processing and/or delivery of an Order if there is any suspicion of fraud or if the user’s behavior may harm the interests of LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL.
  • Posting opinions regarding products or communicating with LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL can be done using the contact details provided in the “Contact” section of the Site. Any opinions or messages containing insults or inappropriate language will be removed or ignored, at the sole discretion of LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL.

User Account

To purchase a Product, you may choose whether or not to register a User Account.

The Account is created voluntarily by completing the required fields with your personal information (email address and password).

For details on what personal data we collect for creating the Account, how we use it, and how you can exercise your rights, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

If you are not a consumer (but a representative of a legal entity) and are ordering products on behalf of a legal entity that you represent, you must provide additional information about that entity (name, registered office, registration number, tax identification number). In any communication on behalf of the legal entity, you act in its name and legally bind it.

When providing the data necessary for creating an Account, Users/Clients/Members guarantee that such data is accurate, complete, and truthful.

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL reserves the right to delete or deny the use of accounts belonging to Clients/Members who do not comply with these Terms and Conditions.


To purchase Products, you may place an Order by following the ordering process on the Site. The process is as follows:

  1. Selection and Cart:
    • Select the desired Product(s) and add them to your shopping cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button, then click “View Cart” or “Place Order.”
  2. Placing the Order:
    • Click the “Place Order” button. You will then be directed to a page where you can log into your Account (by entering your email and password) or, if you are not registered, select “I want to order without an account” and complete your contact details (first name, last name, email, contact phone), delivery details, payment method, and any additional remarks. You must also check the box stating, “I agree with the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy of www.legendarydracula.com,” and then click “Place Order.”

The Client must ensure that all Order details and the information provided for delivery and contact are accurate and complete. During the ordering process, you may review and correct any errors before submitting the Order. Merely adding a Product to the shopping cart does not constitute placing an Order, nor does it automatically reserve the Product.

An Order represents your request to purchase the Products and is subject to confirmation by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL.

After placing your Order, you will receive an email notification confirming its registration. This notification will include an Order number (assigned by the LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL system), details of the ordered Products, the total price (including delivery costs), etc. Please note that this notification is solely for informational purposes and does not constitute acceptance of your Order.

After verifying Product availability, LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL will confirm by email the availability of the ordered Products and, thus, the acceptance of your Order. Acceptance of the Order constitutes the conclusion of a Contract between you and LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL, which includes both the provisions of this Document and any subsequent agreements (in electronic or physical form) reached regarding the Order.

Orders may also be placed by telephone—by providing our operator with the necessary details to open a User Account on your behalf (including an email address to which Order acceptance and confirmation can be sent). That email will also include links to the Privacy Policy and these Terms and Conditions, which you are encouraged to review.

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL may cancel an Order placed by the Client (with simultaneous or subsequent notification) without incurring liability in the following cases:

  • (i) The issuing bank of the Client’s card does not approve the Transaction (for online payments);
  • (ii) The Transaction is invalidated by the card processor authorized by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL (for online payments);
  • (iii) The data provided by the Client on the Site is incomplete and/or incorrect;
  • (iv) The Client expressly requests in writing to cancel the Order;
  • (v) Technical inability to process the Order on the Site for reasons beyond the Seller’s control;
  • (vi) Any of the terms and conditions of this Document have not been fully complied with by the Client.

Delivery – Transfer of Ownership and Risk

  • Delivery of the Products is carried out by courier anywhere in Romania.
  • The delivery timeframe is indicated in the Order acceptance email—typically within 3–10 working days from confirmation, but not exceeding 14 days.
  • The Client may provide only one delivery address per Order.
  • Ownership and risk regarding the Products are transferred upon delivery, subject to the Client’s payment.
  • We assume no liability for losses arising from delivery delays if such delays are caused by circumstances beyond our control (including government actions, force majeure, wars, acts of terrorism, protests, civil disturbances, fires, explosions, floods, epidemics, strikes, etc.).
  • If a Product cannot be delivered, LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL will inform the Client of its unavailability, and any amounts paid in advance will be refunded within a maximum of 14 days.
  • The maximum liability for any consequential damages in the event of non-delivery or improper delivery is limited to the amount paid by the Client for the relevant Products.

Billing and Payment

  • The price of the Products is as stated on the Site and includes VAT at the applicable rate under current legislation.
  • Delivery costs are charged in addition to the Product price. Delivery may be subject to a fee or free of charge depending on the Order conditions or any promotional campaign in effect at the time of the Order.
  • Payment for the ordered Products can be made in cash (local currency) on delivery (cash on delivery), online by card via the Site’s payment platform, or by bank transfer.
  • Payment card details will not be accessible to or stored by LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL but only by the integrated payment processor and the institution authorizing the Transaction (or another authorized entity). The identity of that entity will be communicated to you before entering your payment details.
  • We make every effort to ensure that the Price stated on the Site is correct and complete. In case an error is discovered, we are not obliged to provide the Product at the erroneously stated price; any amount already collected will be refunded unless you agree to purchase the Product at the correct price.
  • The Seller will issue an invoice to the Client for the delivered Products. The Client is obligated to provide all necessary information for invoicing in accordance with current legislation.
  • The Seller will send the invoice corresponding to the Order and any additional costs in either physical or electronic format—by including it with the delivered Products or via email to the address provided by the Client.

Product Conformity and Warranties

  • For Consumers: If, upon delivery, you find that a Product does not conform to your Order (which was accepted and confirmed by us according to these Terms), you may request within 15 calendar days from notification that we either (a) repair it, (b) replace it at no extra cost (if repair or replacement is applicable and possible for that type of product), or (c) refund the price paid (provided you return the Product at our expense when requested).
  • For further details regarding returns (within 30 days of delivery), please refer to our Return Policy.
  • In general, Products are accompanied by a legal warranty of 2 years from the date of delivery, in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty (where applicable). Products with an expected usage life of less than 2 years will have a reduced warranty period accordingly.
  • The warranty does not affect your other rights under applicable law.
  • For Non-Consumers: You must inspect all Products immediately upon receipt and notify us in writing of any non-conformities within 5 working days from delivery. Failure to do so will be taken as acceptance of the Products, and you will not be able to claim any defects thereafter.
  • For any warranty-related inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or via the Contact page on the Site.

Right of Unilateral Cancellation (Withdrawal)

  • If you place an Order via the Site, you may cancel it at any time before the conclusion of the Contract in accordance with this Document and the Delivery and Return Procedure.
  • Consumers have the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Contract within 14 days from the physical delivery of the Product, without having to justify their decision and without incurring costs beyond those established by law. If you ordered multiple products in a single Order that are delivered separately, the withdrawal period expires 14 calendar days after you take possession of the last Product.
  • To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must:
    1. Send an unequivocal statement (e.g., via email to [email protected]) indicating your decision to withdraw from the Contract within 14 days, and you will receive a confirmation of receipt.
    2. Return the Product for which you are withdrawing to LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL at the following address: Str. Ion Berindei 12 B, Sector 2, Bucharest, as soon as possible.
    3. If the Order has been paid, LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL will refund the amount paid within a maximum of 14 days from the notification of your withdrawal, by bank transfer to the account from which the payment was made.
    4. LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL may postpone the refund until the returned Goods are received or until proof of shipment is provided, whichever is later.
    5. If the value of the Products has diminished due to your handling or use (beyond determining their nature, quality, or function), we will not refund the diminished amount.
    6. LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL reserves the right to refuse the withdrawal if the returned Products are not in the same condition as delivered (e.g., showing signs of use, missing labels, emblems, or other security elements).

Confidentiality and Protection of Personal Data

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL will ensure the confidentiality of all data provided for the purpose of creating an Account and delivering the Services.

You are obliged to notify us as soon as possible if you suspect that any third party may compromise the security of your Account. For detailed information regarding our personal data protection practices, please refer to the “Privacy Policy” section on the Site.

The Cookie Policy is used solely to ensure the proper functioning of the Site, in accordance with legal provisions. For more details, please refer to the “Cookie Policy” section.

Promotion of Products and Offers

To promote its Products and offers, LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL may send Newsletters to Users/Clients/Members who have opted in—either directly or through its commercial partners—while ensuring the confidentiality of the provided data via various means (e.g., email, SMS, or other equivalent electronic communication).

You have the right to opt out of receiving such communications at any time by:

  1. Using the designated unsubscribe link included in any Newsletter or alert;
  2. Modifying your consent settings via your Account in the restricted areas of the Site;
  3. Contacting LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL directly using the contact information available on the Site.

Limitation of Liability

LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL shall not be liable for any damages of any kind incurred by the Client or any third party as a result of fulfilling its obligations under an Order or from the use of the Products after delivery (including loss of Products).

If, however, the limitation of liability is not permitted by law, LEGENDARY DRACULA SRL’s liability shall be limited to the value of the Products that were the subject of the Order on which the claim is based.

The Client is solely responsible for safeguarding the details of their Account and for any fraudulent use resulting from voluntarily sharing such details or due to their own negligence.


For any complaints or claims regarding this Document, the Client may use the contact form available on the Site. Complaints will be reviewed within 10 days of receipt, and a response will be provided promptly after resolution.

Applicable Legislation

This Document is governed by current Romanian law.

In the event of any disputes regarding this Document, an attempt shall first be made to resolve them amicably via the email address [email protected]. If an amicable resolution is not possible, the dispute will be settled by the competent courts in Romania.

Furthermore, if a transaction between you and us is concluded via the Site, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, you have the right to request an out‑of‑court dispute resolution through the online dispute resolution platform available at: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. You also have the right to file a complaint with the National Authority for Consumer Protection.


The latest update to this Document was made on 21.01.2025.